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Tag Archives: Power

“Where today are the Pequot? Where are the Narragansett, the Mohican, the Pocanet, and other powerful tribes of our people? They have vanished before the avarice and oppression of the white man… Will not the bones of our dead be plowed up, and their graves turned into plowed fields?” –Tecumseh

“The American continents… are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers”. –James Monroe

“A State is absolute in the sense which I have in mind when it claims the right to a monopoly of all the force within the community, to make war, to make peace, to conscript life, to tax, to establish and dis-establish property, to define crime, to punish disobedience, to control education, to supervise the family, to regulate habits, and to censor opinions. The modern State claims all of these powers, and, in the matter of theory, there is no real difference in the size of the claim between communists, fascists, and democrats”. –Walter Lippmann

“The most powerful person is he who is able to do least himself and burden others most with the things for which he lends his name and pockets the credit”. –Theodor Adorno

“When a state after having passed with safety through many and great dangers arrives at the higher degree of power, and possesses an entire and undisputed sovereignty, it is manifest that the long continuance of prosperity must give birth to costly and luxurious manners…” –Polybius

“The Jews, I find are very, very selfish. They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs, or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as DP as long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet when they have power, physical, financial or political, neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the underdog. Put an underdog on top and it makes no difference whether his name is Russian, Jewish, Negro, Management, Labor, Mormon, Baptist; he goes haywire. I’ve found very, very few who remember their past condition when prosperity comes”. –Harry S. Truman

“The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man”. –Thomas Malthus

“Either you think — or else others have to think for you, and take power from you, pervert and discipline your natural tastes, civilize and sterilize you”. –F. Scott Fitzgerald

“If you put together all the Christians in the world, with their Emperors and their Kings; the whole of the Christians — and throw in the Saracens to boot — they would not have such power, or be able to do so much as this Kublai, who is Lord of all the Tartars in the world”. –Marco Polo

“Numerous politicians have seized absolute power and muzzled the press. Never in history has the press seized absolute power and muzzled the politicians”. –David Brinkley

“I find now that women have achieved some power and recognition they are quite the equal of men in every stupidity and vice and misjudgment that we’ve exercised throughout history”. –Norman Mailer

“For he that does good, having the unlimited power to do evil, deserves praise not only for the good which he performs, but for the evil which he forbears”. –Walter Scott

“Communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupted by war, or corruption, or both”. –John F. Kennedy

“We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing, all-powerful god, who creates faulty humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes”. –Gene Roddenberry