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Tag Archives: Have

“You must acquire the best knowledge first, and without delay; it is the height of madness to learn what you will later have to unlearn”. –Desiderius Erasmus

“As I have not worried to be born, I do not worry to die”. –Federico García Lorca

“If you want to have good ideas you must have many ideas. Most of them will be wrong, and what you have to learn is which ones to throw away”. –Linus Pauling

“Have patience awhile; slanders are not long-lived. Truth is the child of time; erelong she shall appear to vindicate thee”. –Immanuel Kant

“Whoever can lift a rifle should have one”. –Klim Voroshilov

“He who has an opinion of his own, but depends upon the opinion and taste of others, is a slave”. –Friedrich Klopstock

“Even as the fingers of the two hands are equal, so are human beings equal to one another. No one has any right, nor any preference to claim over another. You are brothers”. –Muhammad

“We have now done what the Romans did when they started to commit suicide. We have shifted from an army of citizens to an army of mercenaries”. –Carroll Quigley

“In times like these, it’s helpful to remember that there have always been times like these”. –Paul Harvey

“I think that self-reliance is what makes you happy; not having to worry about anything or not depending on anybody besides yourself”. –Bradley Nowell

“Having now finished the work assigned me, I retire from the great theatre of Action; and bidding an Affectionate farewell to this August body under whose orders I have so long acted, I here offer my commission, and take my leave of all the employments of public life”. –George Washington

“It is decided as you may have expected; all judges had rather that ten innocent should suffer than that one guilty should escape”. –Mary Shelley

“In a war, you must hate somebody or love somebody; you must have a position or you cannot stand what goes on”. –Robert Capa

“I have no trouble with my enemies. I can take care of my enemies in a fight. But my friends, my goddamned friends, they’re the ones who keep me walking the floors at night”. –Warren G. Harding

“The fate of you, the aristocracy of industry, will be as the fate of the aristocracy of land if you do not show that you have some humanity amongst you”. –James Larkin

“I think young people should have a lot of fun, but I never seem to have any”. –Syd Barrett

“I don’t have a girlfriend. But I do know a woman who’d be mad at me for saying that”. –Mitch Hedberg

“Had the price of looking been blindness, I would have looked”. –Ralph Ellison

“You have undertaken to cheat me. I won’t sue you, for law is too slow. I’ll ruin you”. –Cornelius Vanderbilt

“Have the courage to face a difficulty lest it kick you harder than you bargain for”. –Stanislaw Leszczynski

“I have never seen a bad television program, because I refuse to. God gave me a mind, and a wrist that turns things off”. –Jack Paar

“I have not brought freedom to you, I found it here among you”. –Skanderbeg

“Either you think — or else others have to think for you, and take power from you, pervert and discipline your natural tastes, civilize and sterilize you”. –F. Scott Fitzgerald

“It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment”. –Ansel Adams

“If you put together all the Christians in the world, with their Emperors and their Kings; the whole of the Christians — and throw in the Saracens to boot — they would not have such power, or be able to do so much as this Kublai, who is Lord of all the Tartars in the world”. –Marco Polo

“Neither Republicans nor Democrats have begun to spell out in substantive fashion the means by which we can control population growth, environmental problems, and the conservation of our natural resources”. –Leo Ryan

“The worst misfortune that can happen to an ordinary man is to have an extraordinary father”. –Austin O’Malley

“War, I have always said, forces men to change their standards, regardless of whether their country has won or lost”. –Salvatore Quasimodo

“To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost”. –Gustave Flaubert

“Money, says the proverb, makes money. When you have a little, it is often easier to get more. The great difficulty is to get that little”. –Adam Smith

“I have two ambitions in life: one is to drink every pub dry, the other is to sleep with every woman on Earth”. –Oliver Reed

“We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing, all-powerful god, who creates faulty humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes”. –Gene Roddenberry