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Tag Archives: Consider

“The American continents… are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers”. –James Monroe

“I come to understand what purity is: it means to feel something so wholeheartedly that it shrivels up all doubts, all cowardice and all considerations within one”. –Stig Dagerman

“As you know, I am not a writer but a Party functionary. But like every Communist, I consider myself to have been mobilized by Party propaganda and deem it my duty to actively participate in the work of our press”. –Leonid Brezhnev

“Many people consider the things government does for them to be social progress, but they regard the things government does for others as socialism”. –Earl Warren

“I’ve always considered writing the most hateful kind of work. I suspect it’s a bit like fucking — which is fun only for amateurs. Old whores don’t do much giggling”. –Hunter S. Thompson

“I consider looseness with words no less of a defect than looseness of the bowels”. –John Calvin