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Tag Archives: Scientific

“Natural science does not simply describe and explain nature; it is part of the interplay between nature and ourselves”. –Werner Heisenberg

“The time has come when scientific truth must cease to be the property of the few, when it must be woven into the common life of the world”. –Louis Agassiz

“If you want to have good ideas you must have many ideas. Most of them will be wrong, and what you have to learn is which ones to throw away”. –Linus Pauling

“The most momentous thing in human life is the art of winning the soul to good or evil”. –Pythagoras

“Scientific truth was going to make us so happy and comfortable. What actually happened when I was twenty-one was that we dropped scientific truth on Hiroshima”. –Kurt Vonnegut

“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it”. –Max Planck

“A democracy which makes, or even effectively prepares for modern, scientific war must necessarily cease to be democratic. No country can be really well prepared for modern war unless it is governed by a tyrant, at the head of a highly trained and perfectly obedient bureaucracy”. –Aldous Huxley