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Tag Archives: Remain

“Brisk and prompt to war, soft and not in the least able to resist calamity, fickle in catching at schemes, and always striving after novelties — French characteristics remained unaltered twenty centuries after Julius Caesar made a note of them for all time”. –Frederick Rolfe

“The honest man must be a perpetual renegade, the life of an honest man a perpetual infidelity. For the man who wishes to remain faithful to truth must make himself perpetually unfaithful to all the continual, successive, indefatigable renascent errors”. –Charles Péguy

“The only thing not to do in a crisis is to remain in the status quo. Up to the present every crisis has ultimately served as a springboard for progress”. –Turgut Özal

“For more than half a century, during which kingdoms and empires have fallen, this Union has stood unshaken. The patriots who formed it have long since descended to the grave; yet still it remains, the proudest monument to their memory”. –Zachary Taylor

“We had been frightened of atomic weapons since 1945. In those days I became convinced — and remain convinced now — that, after Hitler, Truman was the greatest murderer in the world”. –Martin Niemöller

“The burning enthusiasm, the quenchless zeal of the early church have gone, never, never to return. The ceremonies remain, but the ancient faith is fading out of the human heart. The worn-out arguments fail to convince, and denunciations that once blanched the faces of a race, excite us only in derision and disgust. As time rolls on, the miracles grow mean and small, and the evidences our fathers thought conclusive utterly fail to satisfy us”. –Robert G. Ingersoll

“Man, so long as he remains free, has no more constant and agonizing anxiety than find as quickly as possible someone to worship”. –Fyodor Dostoyevsky

“There are things which we feel to be good and true, though in the cold light of reason and calculation, many things remain incomprehensible and dark”. –Vincent van Gogh

“To surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature, and it remains premature today”. –Isaac Asimov