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Tag Archives: Prime Minister

“The oppressed peoples can liberate themselves only through struggle. This is a simple and clear truth confirmed by history”. –Kim Il-sung

“Freedom is the right to be wrong, not the right to do wrong”. –John Diefenbaker

“A Nordic union between Scandinavia and Great Britain, with the adherence of Finland and Holland, and in which Germany and eventually the British Dominions and America might later on be absorbed, would take away the sting of any communist combination and secure European civilization and peace for the foreseeable future”. –Vidkun Quisling

“It goes without saying that when survival is threatened, struggles erupt between peoples, and unfortunate wars between nations result”. –Hideki Tojo

“The only thing not to do in a crisis is to remain in the status quo. Up to the present every crisis has ultimately served as a springboard for progress”. –Turgut Özal

“We take the position that there is no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation”. –Pierre Trudeau

“It is against British interests that France should be wiped out…” –H.H. Asquith