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Tag Archives: Poorer

“First we attacked the Russian soldiers with our poisonous gases, and then when we saw the poor fellows lying there, dying slowly, we tried to make breathing easier for them by using our own life-saving devices on them”. –Otto Hahn

“Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor”. –Sholem Aleichem

“Human effort may manage at its best to transform a starving proletariat into a well-fed bourgeoisie; but then a worse proletariat emerges from the bowels of society. Jesus was right, there will always be the poor among us. Which proves that this humanity is the greatest error that God ever committed”. –Eça de Queiroz

“Alas, how can the poor souls live in concord when you preachers sow amongst them in your sermons debate and discord? They look to you for light and you bring them darkness”. –King Henry VIII

“That some are poorer than others, ever was and ever will be: And that many are naturally querulous and envious, is an Evil as old as the World”. –William Petty