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Tag Archives: Order of the British Empire

“National armies fight nations, royal armies fight their like; the first obey a mob, always demented, and the second a king, generally sane”. –J.F.C. Fuller

“Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the obedience of fools”. –Douglas Bader

“A Nordic union between Scandinavia and Great Britain, with the adherence of Finland and Holland, and in which Germany and eventually the British Dominions and America might later on be absorbed, would take away the sting of any communist combination and secure European civilization and peace for the foreseeable future”. –Vidkun Quisling

“Human beings today… are surrounded by huge institutions we can never penetrate: the City, the banking system, political advertising conglomerates, vast entertainment enterprises. They’ve made themselves user friendly, but they define the tastes to which we conform. They’re rather subtle, subservient tyrants, but no less sinister for that”. –J.G. Ballard