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Tag Archives: NSDAP

“We must take from the right nationalism without capitalism, and from the left socialism without internationalism”. –Gregor Strasser

“We had been frightened of atomic weapons since 1945. In those days I became convinced — and remain convinced now — that, after Hitler, Truman was the greatest murderer in the world”. –Martin Niemöller

“Politics is a whore. It’s too high for me… The only interest in politics is to get to know how to lead a life under the most favorable circumstances”. –Sepp Dietrich

“Rescue runs counter to the most primitive demands of warfare… Be hard, remember that the enemy has no regard for women and children when he bombs German cities”. –Karl Dönitz

“For whoever stands by a just cause and fights for the freedom and liberation of his land from the invaders, the settlers, and the colonialists cannot possibly be called terrorist, otherwise the American people in their struggle for liberation from the British colonialists would have been terrorists; the European resistance against the Nazis would be terrorism, the struggle of the Asian, African, and Latin American people would also be terrorism…” –Yasser Arafat

“The greatness of Christianity did not lie in attempted negotiations for compromise with any similar philosophical opinions in the ancient world, but in its inexorable fanaticism in preaching and fighting for its doctrine”. –Adolf Hitler