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Tag Archives: Nobel Prize Winners

“US foreign policy could be defined as follows: kiss my ass or I’ll kick your head in”. –Harold Pinter

“For whoever stands by a just cause and fights for the freedom and liberation of his land from the invaders, the settlers, and the colonialists cannot possibly be called terrorist, otherwise the American people in their struggle for liberation from the British colonialists would have been terrorists; the European resistance against the Nazis would be terrorism, the struggle of the Asian, African, and Latin American people would also be terrorism…” –Yasser Arafat

“They don’t ask much of you. They only want you to hate the things you love and to love the things you despise”. –Boris Pasternak

“Science shows us truth and beauty and fills each day with a fresh wonder of the exquisite order which governs the world”. –Polykarp Kusch