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Tag Archives: Michael

“Winning is the most important thing in my life, after breathing. Breathing first, winning next”. –George Steinbrenner

“One of the great problems with Americans is that – being a decent people – they assume that everyone else is equally decent”. –Meir Kahane

“The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work”. –Michael Jackson

“We are all assumed, these days, to reside at one extreme of the opinion spectrum, or another. We are pro-abortion or anti-abortion. We are free traders or protectionists. We are pro-private sector or pro-big government. We are feminists or chauvinists. But in the real world, few of us holds these extreme views. There is instead a spectrum of opinion”. –Michael Crichton

“It’s not so much wanting to die, but controlling that moment, choosing your own way”. –G.G. Allin