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Tag Archives: Given

“The Bill of Rights was not written to protect governments from trouble. It was written precisely to give the people the constitutional means to cause trouble for governments they no longer trusted”. –Henry Steele Commager

“God has given to man no sharper spur to victory than contempt for death”. –Hannibal

“Democracy is, by the nature of it, a self-canceling business; and it gives in the long run a net result of zero”. –Thomas Carlyle

“Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views”. –William F. Buckley

“I have known no man of genius who had not to pay, in some affliction or defect either physical or spiritual, for what the gods had given him”. –Max Beerbohm

“I knew, as everyone knows, that the easiest way to attract a crowd is to let it be known that at a given time and a given place some one is going to attempt something that in the event of failure will mean sudden death”. –Harry Houdini

“Everything must justify its existence before the judgement of Reason, or give up existence”. –Friedrich Engels

“The more is given, the less the people will work for themselves, and the less they work, the more their poverty will increase”. –Leo Tolstoy