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Tag Archives: English Poet

“Life that dares send A challenge to his end, And when it comes, say, Welcome, friend!” — Richard Crashaw

“Credulity is the man’s weakness, but the child’s strength”. –Charles Lamb

“For a soldier I listed, to grow great in fame. And be shot at for sixpence a day”. –Charles Dibdin

“Man is the interpreter of nature, science the right interpretation”. –William Whewell

“When all candels be out, all cats be grey”. –John Heywood

“I am a Liberal, yet I am a Liberal tempered by experience, reflexion, and renouncement, and I am, above all, a believer in culture”. –Matthew Arnold

“Is life worth living? Yes, so long As there is wrong to right”. –Alfred Austin

“US foreign policy could be defined as follows: kiss my ass or I’ll kick your head in”. –Harold Pinter

“He who cherishes a beautiful vision, a lofty ideal in his heart, will one day realize it”. –James Allen

“Even such is man, whose glory lends His life a blaze or two, and ends”. –Francis Quarles

“The law is an ass”. –Charles Dickens

“Yet leaving here a name, I trust, That will not perish in the dust”. –Robert Southey

“For thogh we slepe, or wake, or rome, or ryde, Ay fleeth the tyme; it nyl no man abyde”. –Geoffrey Chaucer

“When I tell any Truth it is not for the sake of Convincing those who do not know it but for the sake of defending those who Do”. –William Blake

“Hell has a climate, but no situation. It lies in the spirit, and not in space”. –Osbert Sitwell

“Striving to better, oft we mar what’s well”. –William Shakespeare