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Tag Archives: Economist

“The only people who accept slavery are the Negroes, owing to their low degree of humanity and proximity to the animal stage”. –Ibn Khaldun

“Capitalism inevitably and by virtue of the very logic of its civilization creates, educates and subsidizes a vested interest in social unrest”. –Joseph Schumpeter

“The state is the great fictitious entity by which everyone seeks to live at the expense of everyone else”. –Frédéric Bastiat

“Man is the interpreter of nature, science the right interpretation”. –William Whewell

“I detest life-insurance agents: they always argue that I shall some day die, which is not so”. –Stephen Leacock

“It is possible for a dictator to govern in a liberal way. And it is also possible for a democracy to govern with a total lack of liberalism. Personally, I prefer a liberal dictator to a democratic government lacking liberalism”. –Friedrich von Hayek

“It has been observed that a pure democracy, if it were practicable, would be the most perfect government. Experience has proved that no position is more false than this. The ancient democracies in which the people themselves deliberated never possessed one good feature of government”. –Alexander Hamilton

“Human civilization is not something achieved against nature; it is rather the outcome of the working of the innate qualities of man”. –Ludwig von Mises

“The best way to predict the future is to create it”. –Peter Drucker

“A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself”. –John Stuart Mill

“Do not seek death. Death will find you. But seek the road which makes death a fulfillment”. –Dag Hammarskjöld