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Tag Archives: Bear

“A Judge must bear in mind that when he tries a case he is himself on trial”. –Philo

“Admire the diamond that can bear the hits of a hammer. Many deceptive prophets, when critically examined, turn out to be false”. –Kabir

“I’ll put you through hell, but at the end of it all we’ll be champions”. –Bear Bryant

“Time bears away all things, even our minds”. –Virgil

“I favor the policy of economy, not because I wish to save money, but because I wish to save people. The men and women of this country who toil are the ones who bear the cost of the Government. Every dollar that we carelessly waste means that their life will be so much the more meager”. –Calvin Coolidge

“I can’t bear to see myself, even in movies. The feeling is complex. I can’t stand the sight of myself”. –Nat King Cole