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“That’s all folks”. –Mel Blanc

“When all candels be out, all cats be grey”. –John Heywood

“Don’t worry – if there’s a hell below, we all gonna go”. –Curtis Mayfield

“By appointing Hitler Chancellor of the Reich, you have handed over our sacred German Fatherland to one of the greatest demagogues of all time. I prophesy to you this evil man will plunge our Reich into the abyss and will inflict immeasurable woe on our nation. Future generations will curse you in your grave for this action”. –Erich Ludendorff

“All political parties die at last of swallowing their own lies”. –John Arbuthnot

“Drinking when not thirsty and making love all the time, madam, is all that distinguishes us from other animals”. –Pierre Beaumarchais

“If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it would not seem so wonderful at all”. –Michelangelo

“To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost”. –Gustave Flaubert