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Tag Archives: Alexander

“Some white people hate black people, and some white people love black people, some black people hate white people, and some black people love white people. So you see, it’s not an issue of black and white, it’s an issue of Lovers and Haters”. –eden ahbez

“Israel is the largest American aircraft carrier in the world that cannot be sunk, does not carry even one American soldier, and is located in a critical region for American national security”. –Alexander Haig

“It has been observed that a pure democracy, if it were practicable, would be the most perfect government. Experience has proved that no position is more false than this. The ancient democracies in which the people themselves deliberated never possessed one good feature of government”. –Alexander Hamilton

“I’ve been portrayed as a caveman by some. That’s not true. I’m a conservative progressive, and that means I think all men are equal, be they Slants, Beaners, or Niggers”. –Jesse Helms

“Democracy is the art of thinking independently together”. –Alexander Meiklejohn

“Two fixed ideas can no more exist together in the moral world than two bodies can occupy one and the same place in the physical world”. –Aleksandr Pushkin

“The clock of communism has stopped striking, but its concrete building has not yet come crashing down. For that reason, instead of freeing ourselves, we must try to save ourselves from being crushed by its rubble”. –Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“Histories are more full of Examples of the Fidelity of dogs than of Friends”. –Alexander Pope

“An expert is someone who tells you why you can’t do something”. –Alec Issigonis